A Guide to Your Rabbit's Diet
We all want to give our rabbits the best, even if that means not giving them as many treats as they would like! Here are some general guides on the best diet for your rabbit.
1. Timothy Hay
Timothy hay should always be available to your rabbit. This not only helps their digestive system, but also helps grind down their constantly growing teeth.
2. Vegetables
Give your rabbit a variety of vegetables throughout the day. For a good list of suggested vegetables, visit www.rabbit.org.
3. Pellets
Feed only a small amount of high quality pellets. Look for pellets that do not have nuts or seeds in them as they are high in fat. Adult rabbits should have pellets with little to none alfalfa content.
4. Treats
Sorry bunnies, treats should be given in small amounts. Try using fruits as treats to avoid over processed foods. (Our treats are 100% vegetables and fruits... just saying!)