"We aim to enrich the lives of homed and homeless rabbits
by helping to develop relationships with their humans."
What we do
We believe that rabbits are more than meets the eye. Our toys, treats, and castles specifically for rabbits and other mini fuzzies that are unique and fun, but have minimal impact on the environment. Purchases from this shop are put directly back into helping animals in need. We like to donate where our orders come from—ranging from the UK, US, Canada, and everywhere in between.
Why rabbits and mini fuzzies?
As a commonly misunderstood house pet, pet stores carry little variety in toys, treats are often loaded with coloring, and contain strange ingredients. We hope to introduce some variety through toys designed, sourced, and manufactured in North America. We also hope to help rabbits and small animals, and advocate their care. They are not disposable or caged animals but are capable of playing, being trained, cuddles and so much more.
Our goals
Our aim is to raise awareness about domestic rabbits and the organizations that help them. By creating unique and interesting toys, we hope to reflect the unique nature of each animal, and emphasize their need for attention and stimulation. We are also committed to creating environmentally friendly toys, to help future generations of rabbits enjoy a clean, sustainable world. We do this by acquiring supplies local, reusing outdated (but clean) vegetable based ink newspapers, and choosing materials that have eco elements to them. All our packages are hand packed to minimize waste, and create the most economical shipping size and weight for each package. We work with other local businesses to ensure all packaging materials are reused.
From the bottom of our furry hearts, thank you for taking an interest in our store.
Check out our hoppy customers and donations here>